Thursday, January 14, 2016

2016 Aspirations

It is a new year. I'm so exited!!! There are 5 goals that I want to accomplish in 2016! The first goal I want to accomplish is marathon training. I want to get fit by running at least a half marathon. I can only do that by training. the second goal is that I want to volunteer at one major organization. I already went to the orientation at the humane society. Goal number 3 is that I want To take schooling more seriously. I will probably get straight A's on last quarter's report card. Objetivo nĂºmero cuatro (spanish) is that I will take more care of my animals. I hate the goats but I shouldn't. Goal nummer vijf (dutch) is that I want to be nicer.

I really want to focus on that marathon goal. I really am fat. Running 26.1 miles will help me lose my blubber. I will even get to meet the mayor, which is a pretty decent bonus. It will take me all the way till September, when it starts. It will be difficult, but I'll manage.

My first step is already complete. I recently read a book about good training schedules. My second step is to train up to an intermediate level, which the book tells me I need to be at. Then I shall do my best effort to train my whole body to prepare for the marathon. That includes running, biking, swimming, lifting, and any thing else I can think of. Wish me luck as I train for the marathon!

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